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查看 风水布局 的更多文章风水布局2023-03-10【风水布局口诀】88人已围观



At that moment,alicewhowasbythesidesuddenlygroanedafewtimes.sheslowlywokeup.oncehereyesopenedup,sheimmediatelyreachedoute

qiuyunheldontoalice’swristandspokeinadeepvoice .“do not panic,it is us .”

“There is not much time left! ”Alice’sfaceturnedgrim .“generally,therewouldnotbetoomuchdelaybetweenourtimeofarrivalandtheplayers! We need to quickly find a way out! This is a dead end! ifthereareonlydeadendsonbothsides…iftheplayerissenttothispassagewaywhentheyenter…wewillnotevenhaveaplacetorunto! & quot;

“How long have we been walking? ”Chen Xiaolian suddenly asked。

" Around… half an hour," Alice replied。

“Half an hour,”chenxiaolianthoughtaboutit .“consideringourwalkingspeed,wecancoverroughly8kminonehour.halfanhour…ino to


qiuyunnoddedhisheadimmediately." I agree.sincebothendsofthispassagewayareadeadend,therewillnotbeanymonsters.itwilllbegogooge

Alice nodded. “I have no objections .”

quy unsighed .“ihavethefastestspeed.iwillmovetothebeginningpointnearthetombandbeginsearchingfromthere.en…Alice, you follow me.youwillberesponsibleforsearchingthecentrearea.xiaolian,youandthislittlesisterofyourswillsearchfromhereonwardon

After making those decisions,qiuyunquicklybroughtalicewithhimandbacktracked.theyranbackasfastaspossible,leavingchenxiaoliang


e stonewall suddenly stood up.

He wore a complicated expression as he pulled Soo Soo up. Soo Soo on the other hand, regarded him silently with her pair of big eyes.

Seeing Qiu Yun, the killing intent in Alice’s face dissipated and she exhaled. Then, her face changed again. “Where are my team members?”

Qiu Yun stared straight into Alice’s eyes without saying anything. Alice understood immediately and her face turned gloomy. “They… all?”

“En,” Qiu Yun nodded and smiled bitterly. “Truth be told… you should not have participated in this instance dungeon. I recall that your guild should still have one chance for exemption. This eastern culture’s background story is not suitable for you people from the western world.”

“… I had no choice,” Alice shook her head. “I had encountered an incident, so…”

She suddenly glanced at Chen Xiaolian and chose not to continue. She vaguely muttered. “At any rate, I have my reasons why I must participate in this instance dungeon.” Her body shook. “I am the one who killed Charlie and Mars.”

“That Mars is a coward. Even if he is a magician, you should not have recruited someone like that,” Qiu Yun frowned. “For any guild, someone with such a poor character will end up dragging down their companions, regardless of how good his abilities may be.”

“I had no choice,” Alice gave a strained smile. “He is the only Awakened one I can find with dark attribute magic. In an instance where exploration of tombs is necessary, he could have given me a great deal of help.”

Qiu Yun’s face remained calm. “All right, then. You are not a newbie. Having experienced the vicissitudes of so many instance dungeons, you know that having team members die is something very normal. I will not say anything to comfort you. I only hope that you can understand that if you are too hard on yourself, then this state of mind will likely get you killed the next time we face danger.”

Alice stood up and took a deep breath. She pulled out a dagger and gripped it in her hand. “I understand! Qiu Yun! I do not need these advice from you!”


She looked at Qiu Yun. “However, I am now the only one left from my team. So… the alliance that I had proposed, will you accept?”

Qiu Yun looked at Alice and laughed. “It would be my utmost pleasure.”

Next, the two Guild Leaders quickly exchanged information.

Alice described out everything that she had experienced and the places and terrain that she had went past. Qiu Yun did likewise, telling her everything regarding the places he went through back then. Both of them made their comparisons and Qiu Yun finally made a speculation after thinking about it.

“Clearly, the places that you and I had travelled through both began from outside the instance dungeon leading into the mausoleum. Judging from the arrangement of directions, both our forward directions lead deep to the centre of the mausoleum… generally speaking, I believe that the key factor in the quest to complete this instance dungeon must lie in the centre location of this underground Qin Mausoleum. Perhaps, it is in the main tomb.”

Qiu Yun continued softly. “Unfortunately, the final quest prompt for this instance dungeon has yet to be issued. All we can do for now is guess.”

“Conventionally speaking, the description for the final quest of an instance dungeon will only be transmitted after the Players arrive. Heng, I hate this large-scale instance dungeon the most,” Alice gave a sigh.

“Regardless, we can only go forward,” Qiu Yun peered straight at the passageway before him and could only see darkness. There was no end in sight. “Currently, we do not have a point of reference for direction. In addition… I have also made some tests after entering; compasses and the likes would not work. We have been going around within this underground labyrinth to the point where our sense of direction had been rendered a complete mess. Heaven knows which path we need to take to arrive at the main tomb. If we should arrive at a fork in the passageway, we may end up going the wrong way. When that happens, we may end up wasting hours going in circles around this underground labyrinth, or possibly even days.”

“Then, what can we do?” Alice frowned. “After entering the instance dungeon, the radar could no longer be used!”

“Thankfully, I now have a way,” Qiu Yun laughed out in a light tone. “Usually, the closer one gets to the centre of the instance dungeon, the more monsters one would encounter. We have no way of identifying the direction. However, I just realized that my team member just happened to家居风水布局 have the ability to sense monsters.”

After saying that, he turned to look at Soo Soo.

Four people moved forward in a row through the passageway. After walking for nearly half an hour, they found that the passageway was gradually becoming more narrow.

With the exception of Soo Soo, the other three became hesitant. However, Soo Soo maintained an expression of certainty. According to her, she could sense a high number of monsters located right ahead.

In terms of position, they should be getting closer towards the centre area of the instance dungeon.

However, the passageway continued to become smaller.

Originally, the four of them were moving side by side. But later on, not even two could move side by side. Due to Soo Soo’s small stature, Chen Xiaolian was still able to pull her with him as he ventured forth. As for Q周易生辰八字iu Yun and Alice, they could only follow from behind.

Finally, after a few more minutes, the passageway came to an end!

Looking forward at the stonewall that signified a dead end, Alice frowned. “Didn’t you say we are in the correct direction?”

Qiu Yun turned to Chen Xiaolian. Chen Xiaolian then turned to look at Soo Soo to see her shook her head. “I do not know. I can only feel that this direction leads to many colours.”

“Our direction is correct. That means there will certainly be other paths to go around,” Qiu Yun wrinkled his brows.

“Maybe there is a secret mechanism,” Chen Xiaolian forced out a smile. “There are too many stories that describe the existence of secret mechanisms within this type of underground mausoleums. Perhaps there is a hidden door or passageway th风水布局at we failed to discover?”

“If we are to backtrack, there is only one way. It is one that connects directly to the tomb where we had to fight for our lives,” Alice frowned. “However, that area had already collapsed. As for this path, we did not find any forks along the way.”

“We must have missed something,” Qiu Yun sighed. “There is no choice, we will slowly backtrack and search around.”

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