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外商独资企业起名要求 专科文章(中英文)丨本国公司若何正在中国创造外商独资企业(WFOE)

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With the growing development of economic globalization, many foreign enterprises have set their sights on the Chinese market and want to set up companies in Chinese Mainland. So, in order to register a company and venture capital in China, the following requirements need to be met.


Procedures for Foreigners to Establish Wholly Owned Companies in China


Confirming the type and business scope of the company: Foreigners need to determine the type of company they want to establish in China, such as limited liability companies, joint stock limited companies, etc., and also need to determine the business scope of the company.


Checking the company name: Foreigners need to go to the industrial and commercial administration department to check whether the company name is occupied, and apply for pre-approval of the company name.


Preparation of company registration materials: Foreigners need to prepare company registration materials, including company bylaws, investment plans, investor identification documents, registered capital certificates,legal representative appointment documents, etc.


Preparation of company registration materials: Foreigners need to prepare company registration materials, including company bylaws, investment plans, investor identification documents, registered capital certificates,legal representative appoi周易生辰八字ntment documents, etc.


Opening a company bank account: Foreigners need to open a company bank account with a bank within China and inject registered capital into the company account.


Tax registration: Foreigners need to register with the tax authorities and obtain a tax registration certificate.


Handling other relevant procedures: Foreigners also need to go through relevant procedures in human resources and social security departments, customs, foreign exchange management departments, and other agencies, such as social insurance, labor contract filing, import and export trade licensing, etc.


It should be noted that the above processes and procedures may vary slightly depending on the region and actual situation. For details, please consult the local industry and commerce department.


The registration procedures of wholly foreign-owned companies


Enterprise name pre approval notice.


Power of Attorney.


Application for registration of establishment of a foreign-invested enterprise (in duplicate originals).


Project Application Report (with an outline attached for reference and signed by the legal representative or agent holding a power of attorney).


The articles of incorporation (signed by the legal representative of the investor or the agent holding the power of attorney).


The name list of the board of directors.


Letter of Appointment for the Legal Representative and Board Members (attach copies of valid and legal passports or identity documents of the Legal Representative and Board Members).

8、法定代表人委托书(没有设董事会的提交此项, 附法定代表人无效合法的护照或身份证件复印件)。

Letter of appointment of the legal representative (if there is no board of directors, submit this item, and attach a copy of the legal representative's valid and legal passport or ID card).

9、投资者的合法开张证实复印件,需附法定代表人证实函(原件)及其身份证实复印件; 外方投资者为当然人的需供给身份证实复印件,台湾客商需供给台胞证复印件。

A copy of the investor's legal business certificate, accompanied by a letter of proof from the legal representative (original) and a copy of his/her identity certificate; If the foreign investor is a natural person, a copy of the identity certificate shall be provided, and Taiwan merchants shall provide a copy of the Taiwan Citizenship Certificate.


Credit certificate issued by the investor's bank of deposit.

11、环保部门审批观点 请申请者提早持投资讨论书、场合或土地利用证实、授权依赖书和申请书前往环保局申请批复,但本批复没有能取代新公司博得交易派司后须告竣的〈境况作用评估讲述〉(由新公司聘请异常的评估公司根据项目量身拟定)。

The approval opinions of the environmental protection department require the applicant to apply for approval from the environmental protection bureau in advance with an investment plan, site or land use certificate, power of attorney, and application form. However, this approval cannot replace the "Environmental Impact Assessment Report" that must be completed by the new company after obtaining the business license (the new company invites a specialized assessment company to customize it based on the project).


Enterprise site implementation certificate or plant leasing contract (copies of the lessor's property right certificate, business license, and legal representative's identity certificate are required).


Other relevant documents and certificates related to special industry permits.


Materials required for registration of a wholly foreign-owned enterprise:


The business certificate of a foreign enterprise must be notarized by a local lawyer and authenticated by the local embassy (consulate).


The original bank credit certificate of a foreign enterprise issued by the opening bank of the foreign company, stating the deposit balance and credit standing.


Other relevant documents and certific家居风水布局ates related to special industry permits.


Articles of Association of Foreign Capital Company.


Feasibility Study Report.


Import and Export Commodity Catalogue.


Copy of the investor's legal person identity certificate (or passport).


Financial audit report (required to be submitted when the company has been established for more than one year).


The list of members of the company's board of directors, the letter of appointment of the board of directors, and a copy of the identity certificate of the director. A foreign-funded company may not have a board of directors, but needs to establish an executive director. The letter of appointment of the executive director and a copy of the identity certificate must be provided.


A list of the members of the company's board of supervisors, a letter of appointment for the board of supervisors, and a copy of the identity certificate of the supervisor. A foreign-funded enterprise may not have a board of supervisors, but it needs to have one member of the board of supervisors.


Appointment documents, copies of identity c风水布局ertificates, resumes, and photos of the legal person of the proposed company.


Photos and copies of identity certificates and work permit of financial personnel of the proposed company.


Letter of authorization authorizing someone in China to sign (if not, do not submit it).


外商独资企业起名要求 专科文章(中英文)丨本国公司若何正在中国创造外商独资企业(WFOE)

Copy of the company's housing lease contract and property certificate.


A copy of the power of attorney of the entrusting agent and the agent's business license.


After the registration of a foreign-funded company is completed, if there is any import and export business within its business scope, it is necessary to handle the import and export filing procedures for the foreign-funded company as follows:


Foreign Economic Commission Filing.


Customs Filing.


Electronic port filing.


Inspection and quarantine filing.


Export tax refund filing.


Note: The above processes and procedures may vary slightly depending on the region and actual situation, and they need to be handled according to the actual situation of each region.


The legal servies content of the company establishment stage


Assisting the foreign party in conducting legal due diligence, drafting or reviewing relevant agreements.


Providing Chinese legal advice on the business model of foreign companies in China.


Assisting in the establishment of a foreign company in China.


Drafting and reviewing relevant legal documents during the establishment of the company.


Providing advisory opinions on regulatory matters such as government approval, filing, and registration, and assisting in handling relevant procedures.


Analyzing and answering various legal issues that encountered in the establishment of foreign investment.


Assisting foreign enterprises in handling disputes and disputes during litigation and arbitration.


Providing legal comments on hot legal issues that foreign parties pay attention to during company establishment.



Juan Lv : A full-time lawyer at Beijing Jingshi (Xi'an) Law Firm ,and graduating the degree of Master of Laws in International Commercial Law at the University of Kent, UK.

生意范畴Business Area:


Foreign legal business, corporate governance, equity incentives, economic contracts and construction project disputes;

涉外公法生意席卷Foreign legal services include:

国际投资生意、国际金融、保障生意、海商国际交易、生意、输送、诺言证结算、国民涉外财富、婚姻、财富承继案件代办、其他涉外公法事情、为涉外工程项想法招标、招标震动供给公法办事;代庖涉外房地产买卖中的公法事情;代庖外商投资企业的开张、变化、并购以及注销备案事项; 代办、到场外商投资企业的完结、休业的整理公法事情;帮助本国公司正在华创造代表处、分公司及投资公司;采用当事人的依赖,为海外客户供给公法信息及公法动静分解讲述; 草拟、检查涉外公约、协议、条例等公法文件,到场涉外媾和;采用依赖代庖墟市考察以及客户的资信考察;采用当事人的依赖,代庖项目融资、国际贷款、融资租赁等涉外金融生意; 代庖学识产权(字号、专利、版权等)的申请、挂号、备案等公法事情;处分本领引进与出口生意;处分涉外保障及国际保理生意;其他涉外公法生意。

Foreign legal services include: international investment business, international finance, insurance business, maritime international trade, buying and selling, transportation, letter of credit settlement, agency for citizens in foreign property, marriage, property inheritance cases, other foreign legal affairs; Providing legal services for the bidding and tendering activities of foreign-related engineering projects; Handling legal affairs in foreign-related real estate transactions on behalf of others; To handle the registration matters of the opening, change, merger, and cancellation of foreign-invested enterprises on behalf of foreign investors; Acting as an agent and participating in the dissolution and bankruptcy liquidation legal affairs of foreign-invested enterprises; Assisting foreign companies in establishing representative offices, branches, and investment companies in China; Accepting the commission of the parties involved and providing legal information and legal dynamic analysis reports to foreign clients; Draft and reviewing legal documents such as foreign-related contracts, agreements, articles of association, and participate in foreign-related negotiations; Accepting the commission of market research and customer credit investigation; Accepting the entrustment of the parties involved to handle foreign financial services such as project financing, international loans, and financial leasing on behalf of them; Handling legal affairs such as application, registration, and registration of intellectual property rights (trademarks, patents, copyrights, etc.) on behalf of others; Handling technology import and export business; Handling foreign insurance and international factoring business;Otherforeign-related legal services.

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